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Three Lanes for Thriving Teams

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Three Lanes for Thriving Teams

The leader’s role is to lead. The advisor’s role is to sell. The customer’s role is to buy.

The challenge comes when we don’t stay in our lanes. Picture the customer who knows it all. They’ve done the research, found the lowest price, and want a deal from there. They are sure you have something more you can give away in your back pocket. The challenge is not that the customer has done their homework. It often makes a better experience as they have a strong idea of what they want. The problem is that customers do not know the value of the entire travel experience. They are unsure of how it all works together. They have very little to measure their research against. For example, the last seat on the plane is more valuable than the first one. The unique experience of baking bread on a five-hundred-year-old farm is worth more than a snapshot of a famous monument you could have bought at a gift shop. Easy to understand, hard to find, curate, and deliver. Customers don’t have access to unique experiences, pricing policies, timing, demand, amenity programs, or your buying power. The advisor's role is to leverage their knowledge of how all things work together to create value. When we can assimilate knowledge, we become irreplaceable. On the other hand, the advisor, who holds all the cards when creating the travel experience, often makes the mistake of trying to be all things to all people. We lose confidence in our ability to choose who we sell to. Choose your customers, and change your life. Instead of saying a gracious no, we fall down the rabbit hole of “just this time.” The other day, an agent shared how a quick “just this time” air booking turned into a massive, time-consuming headache. Choosing customers isn’t intuitive when you are just starting. The story you tell yourself is that it would be best if you had cash flow and confidence. That story is only partly true. The longer you put off deciding on your ideal customer and building your entire business around them, the harder it is to thrive. That is where the leader’s role becomes critical. Your role is to help advisors relentlessly and proactively pursue their ideal customers. The successful leader keeps the sales process of attracting, servicing, and retaining customers top of mind. They remove shiny objects and keep the main thing the main thing. (Steven Covey). If you, as the leader, are too busy selling, sorting out problems, or running on empty, it becomes impossible to help your team thrive. If you are a leader looking for a systematic way to build a high-performing team, feel free to reach out HERE. I help leaders build capacity and confidence so the entire organization thrives.

Enjoy the journey!


Ahoy Travel Agency Owners with Teams! Are you trying to run your business, but the pace is running you? Overnight, we've gone from consumers wondering if Travel Agents are still a thing to a mad scramble to find a good one! Let's build a high-performing team that can serve this demand together!

If you are an Agency owner and want to learn a fresh approach to attracting and engaging a thriving team, here is your chance! I’m hosting a one-of-a-kind Build Your Team Masterclass for agency owners with teams. I help agency owners lead more, earn more, and do less.

What's included:

  • This 60-minute workshop is exclusively for travel agent owners who are ready to grow more and earn more without working harder.

  • A step-by-step roadmap to recruitment with a 30-day action plan

  • Essential skills every leader needs to help the team thrive

  • Ideal Advisor Workbook

  • A big dose of enthusiasm for you and your goals!

  • ... and a fabulous peer learning experience!

Learning Objective: Attendees will learn essential insights into leading a thriving team. You will be equipped with new skills to recruit and engage your team to achieve their dream travel business. You will also receive my proprietary Recruitment Roadmap, Team Goal Setting Workbook, and other unique tools so you can take immediate action!

Wednesday, November 22nd, 9:00 am PST, 12:00 pm ET Tickets are $40.00. Space is limited! Save your spot HERE! Who is the Build Your Team Masterclass for?

  • You are an agency owner ready to grow your team!

  • You are a high achiever but feel overwhelmed by your workload

  • You need more time for your team.

  • You seek expert advice on recruiting high-performers

  • You are hoping to get greater engagement from your team

Who is this Masterclass not suitable for?

  • Solopreneurs or advisors with no plans to grow their business with a team.

  • Owners looking for a "get better pill" or a quick fix

  • You are not ready to add anyone right now

  • You need more time to be ready and honest about where you are now.

"Geraldine is so in tune with the travel industry of today. She has excellent advice and can help you put it to work to make your business grow. If you are spinning your wheels trying to get a grip on your travel business, you must work with Geraldine Ree in some capacity." Lisa Hulbert, Agency Owner

If you are ready to achieve incredible success and want a fresh perspective, new insights, and strategic tools for Leading Your Team, mark your calendar for November 22nd and sign up for our class!

Space is limited; sign up today! I cannot wait to see you there! __________________________________________________________________________________________

PS Watch for an exciting new strategic tool exclusively for building capacity and confidence in teams. Coming soon!!

If you want to know more about Geraldine Ree's 2023 programs, check out:

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