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Ready, Set, Goals: How to Lead Your Team to Success with Goals

Ready, Set, Goals: How to Lead Your Team to Success with Goals

Goal setting and goal-getting are different but equally essential. Without the steps in between “setting” and “getting” we fail to achieve—and worse, we may stop setting goals altogether. Nobody wants to feel like a quitter, failure, or over-achiever.  Think of how many people give up on New Year’s resolutions because “they don’t work.”

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Goal setting does work, and you can achieve your goals. You don’t need to know every step—just the first one – and take it!

The secret to success? Connect goals with planning and action:

Set goal + plan + act = Achieve (Repeat)

Here is what the data says about goal setting:

What stands out for you?

To me it is simple, but not always easy. The key is to start where you are. Take the first step, so that you start in the direction of your dreams.

Over the next four weeks, I’ll break this process down, starting with Part 1 – Setting Goals:

4 Steps to Setting Goals

  1. Look Back: Reflect and Review Start by reviewing your year. What stood out? What mattered most? Scroll through your phone photos and recall highlights and lessons.

    • Who were you with most often?

    • What brought you joy?

    • What were your business highlights and biggest lessons?

Reflecting helps you celebrate progress and strengthens your belief in what’s possible. This backward measurement, as Dan Sullivan teaches in his life-changing book, The Gap and the Gain, connects you to The Gain and builds the momentum needed to move forward.

  1. Look Forward: Choose Your BIG WordWhat do you want this year to be about? Write down the feelings and outcomes you hope for. Some wonderful words I have witnessed last year were: Engagement, Curiosity, Community, Courage, and Fun!

My word this year is Empowerment—to inspire leaders to empower themselves, and their teams to make a bigger impact.

Choosing a BIG word acts as a guiding light of who you most want to serve, and what you want the year to mean.

  1. Decide What You Want—ReallyEvery goal needs a measurable number and a reason why it matters. If you doubled or tripled your business, what would that mean for you, your team, and your family?

  2. Ask yourself: What would success look and feel like?

  3. What would you miss out on if you didn’t act?

This clarity brings purpose and passion to your goals, making them both meaningful and magnetic.

  1. Make It Visible

Write your goals down—those who do are 42% more likely to achieve them. Go further by engaging all your senses. Create a vision board (the perfect project for the break) or enlist an accountability buddy to build small habits that lead to big wins.

Your Homework: Reflect, define your BIG word, pick a number you care about, and make your goal visible. To help you, I’ve attached my Goal Setting Workbook. Over the holidays, take time to journal, reflect, and dream big.

When you combine reflection with action, you’re not just setting goals—you’re setting yourself up for success! Let’s make 2025 the year you light the sky on fire. Cheers to making your mark in a big way!


The Book Shelf – Books I Love to Inspire Your Journey

I highly recommend this book for every entrepreneur who sets goals, and especially for those who may be feeling slightly discouraged or that they were over ambitious in their goal setting.

The reason for this crest fallen feeling is that we set our eyes on our “ideal” and if we don’t measure up, we feel defeated. Instead, the gain, how far you’ve come intensifies the fulfillment of the journey. Dan Sullivan’s brilliant model below shows that achievement is not about perfection but about consistent progress.

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