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Stand Out by Standing Up for Your Value

Get Out of Your Head on Value

If only a customer could read your mind. They would know how exceptionally talented you are. They would see the depths you will go to ensure they're taken care of. There is no one in the world like you.

Unfortunately, the customer cannot read your mind.

So often we are our own worst enemy. We either undermine the value we offer because we lack the conviction that we ARE worth it. Or we fail to communicate it.

"The first sale is always to yourself."

- Peter Cook

Communicating your value starts with clarity on what you offer, and what you believe it's worth.

Last week I was working with a team of highly-seasoned travel advisors. Their biggest challenge was finding a way to “gently release” tire kickers so they would have more time to spend with customers who valued their service.

One advisor shared her story of a long-time client who had worked out their cruise and tour but was frantic about trying to find the air to make it all work.

Booking the air is really difficult!” the client lamented. “Could you do it for me?

The advisor was very calm, yet convicted in her response.

Yes, it is hard! There are many things that can go awry. Unscheduled flight changes forced overnights, as well as different rules for different countries. I can absolutely do that for you, and make sure that when not if something goes wrong, I've got you covered.

I will also save you money on your cruise and tour. I can access our exclusive inventory of products, and find some extraordinary experiences along the way. My goal is to deliver a trip of a lifetime, every time.

My fees are $200 whether you book just the air or the full package.

The client ended up booking the entire trip through her. Why wouldn't they?

The advisor solved the problem they didn't know they had.

If you want to get out of your head on value, keep these three things in mind.

  1. Stand up for your value. You provide a much-needed service that is in high demand. Clients who don’t need your service and only want to "pick your brain" can choose to book another way. It's ok to let them go, as long as you reinvest the time to find clients who believe in you and what you offer.

  2. Don’t stress about the words you choose. Often, we feel like it’s a cringe-worthy moment to introduce professional fees. Just start the conversation. When you believe in your work, the client always wins.

  3. Get it out of your head! The client cannot read your mind. Knowing your worth, and being able to articulate it are two different things. Take a few minutes to write down everything that you offer. Demonstrate that you can save them well over the cost of the fee in time and money.

Preparing for the new travel era means creating time and energy to focus on your best clients. Drawing the line on how you provide service excellence is the first step to doing the work you love, with people you can’t wait to work with!


What's Coming this Month?

  • Flying Colours Academy! I'm launching two groups this week! I cannot wait!! If you're interested in knowing more about our program that helps you set goals and find the customers you've always wanted, reply HERE!

  • SAVE THE DATE... 10X My Travel Business - Training and Book launch! October 12th, 2022! I'm hosting an exclusive session for go-getters who are ready to fly with me! If you are in the Vancouver area and are interested in attending reply HERE!

  • 10X My Travel Business - Ten Times Better in Half the Time... the book is on its way here from Australia!! I can hardly wait to share it with you! My deepest hope is that there are gems of insight that will help YOU! Nobody deserves it more. It's time to come back better than ever!!

  • Leadership Academy On the River! October 23, 2021, Ama Waterways on the fabulous Ama Madna. This event is exclusively for travel leaders who are looking to raise their leadership game to help their team grow! More to come! Click HERE for more details!

  • If you are interested in pre-ordering a signed copy of 10X My Travel Business please reply to this email with Ten Times Better in the subject line. Thank you!!!

  • Get your copy of my book that will help you soar... Flying Colors - US - here! CAD - here!

  • If you know someone who would benefit from reading this newsletter please share this link.

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