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Why Making Calls Never Gets Old

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

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Why Making Calls Never Gets Old

"Do I still need to pick up the phone, even though travel is back?"

As an agency owner, when times are busy it's tempting to not be as persistent in asking the team to make calls.

I get it! It is not easy to put yourself out there and make calls. Yet, there is an important lesson in consistency when it comes to building a business you truly love. A business thrives when you water it with the small things, like staying in touch, every day. You may think that you will get around to it – when things slow down. Or, if you can’t keep up with the current demand, your loyal customers won’t miss you. Wrong. Perhaps not right away, but the lie we tell ourselves is that it will all be there for us when things slow down. In a sales and service business, you always own the next call. It's not up to your customer to make the next move, stay in touch, or reach out when the time is right. It's up to you to stay "top of mind" so that when the time is right, they turn to you. A daily practice of making a few calls a day can change everything about the trajectory of your travel business. The key is to make it a habit by writing it down, then doing the work. It may seem “dumb” to write down steps to a task that is so obvious. Yet keeping your habit checklist in plain view is a game-changer. In the book Checklist Manifesto, the author Atul Gawande tells a startling origin story about how the medical checklist first began. In an effort to reduce the number of Central line infections tied to human error, Dr. Peter Pronovost, a critical care specialist at John Hopkins Medical Center borrowed a tried and true method from the aviation industry. The checklist.

  1. Wash hands with soap

  2. Clean the patient’s skin with chlorhexidine antiseptic

  3. Cover the patient’s entire body with sterile drapes

  4. Wear a mask, hat, sterile gown, and gloves

  5. Put a sterile dressing over the insertion site after the line was in

His research showed that at least 1/3 of doctors skipped one or more steps. The first checklist implemented in a single hospital, prevented 43 infections, and 8 deaths, and saved over $2 million dollars.

While we may not be saving lives, we all know that skipping a step of staying in touch with customers is costly.

In fact, most of us promise to stay in touch but skip the step of making it a daily habit.

Here is a “no-brainer” checklist for staying in touch.

  1. Keep your customer list visible (I keep mine in a binder on my desk)

  2. Reach out to a few customers daily – with a promise to call at a set time. Offer to find a more convenient time if that is preferred (I use Calendly as an option)

  3. Call to connect – NOT TO SELL, but be prepared if they are ready to buy

  4. Set a next call date!

Join me on the journey! I love finding time-saving tips for rebuilding your dream travel business! Special Offer for Agency Owners and Host Agency Leaders: I have exciting news about growing your team. If you are looking for clarity on how to recruit and engage your team during this hectic recovery period, please book a call.


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Geraldine Ree Chief Experience Officer and Host, Flying Colors Academy PS

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