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Your Know List - Get To Know Your Customers

The Know List

I thought you would never ask!

We carry many big assumptions about our customers in our heads. One is that our customers know we want to work with them.  

Donald Miller, in Building a Story Brand, says this:

If we want to stop being all things to all people and become a means for our customers to fulfill their dreams, we must create a "know" list. 

I call this the “know” list because it will help you know three things. 1) Who to work with, 2) How to work with them, and 3) Where you stand.

1. Who to work with (when to say yes and when to say no): 

We say yes to customers when we know their "why." When you know their story and why travel matters, fulfilling that becomes the most important thing. 

 The other day, when flying into Vancouver, the pilot came over the loudspeaker and said something that stood out to me.

Instead of the usual, “Thank you for flying with us; your business is important to us.” He said,

 “You and the reason you took this trip are important to us.

Whether you are flying to see loved ones,

 on a well-deserved vacation, 

or on business to support your family,

we are thankful to be part of your most important reasons for this trip.

We hope it is everything you’ve hoped for,

and we can continue to be part of your story the next time you fly.”

This pilot understood his customers "why." Flying is not the reason for their story. It is a means for his passengers to fulfill their story. 

Know when to say no: 

Consider that moment of weakness when you agreed to become the wedding planner for a good client’s daughter. She misses appointments, gives you the runaround, and then leaves you after hours of your time because she found a “better deal” online.

When our gut says no, we need to listen and respond with a gracious no. A gracious no helps them realize they are better off working with someone else.

2. How to work with them:

 There is a fine line between extraordinary and extraneous service.

 “Too little service, you go out of business.

Too much service, you go out of business.”

The secret is to know the difference by asking better questions about what truly matters. Becoming indispensable usually comes down to one thing, and that “thing” may be different for every buyer.

Know your buyer’s thing and become the best in class at delivering on that. If it is not your thing, either get better at delivering it or let go and move on. 

3. Know where you stand. (Yes, No, or Not Now)

 One of the biggest reasons we don’t call prospects is that we are uncomfortable with the word no.  Let’s face it: nobody enjoys rejection. Yet, as Richard Fenton states in his book Go for No. 

Yes, it is the destination; no, it is how you get there. 

Not knowing where you stand with prospects is like being in a suspended state of rejection. As hard as hearing "no" might be, not knowing where your future business is coming from is a bigger problem. 

Pick up the phone and find out where your relationship with your ideal customers stands. 

They might say no. They might say not now, or just maybe they will say, “Absolutely, I thought you would never ask!”

If you know someone who would benefit from this newsletter, please share! 

 Enjoy the journey! 


I help business owners grow their business through three simple strategies: 

  • Recruiting and engaging a high-performing team.

  • Creating a world-class marketing and sales system that is simple to teach.

  • Finding the balance between planning and performance. 

If you are curious about where you stand in these areas, take my Business Success Scorecard

Why it matters? 

After years of coaching travel entrepreneurs, I started to notice a trend. While a wealth of information is available on product knowledge and industry insights, there are very few resources on travel entrepreneurship. Travel Market Report released a staggering insight that 70% identify as ICs, only 24% of travel advisors identify as business owners. 

Your success lies in your ability to engage ICs as owners. My coaching program helps owners lead ownership. Find out how! 


PS If you are a Travel Advisor looking for a practical, hands-on roadmap to build your business, consider my online course: Flying Colours Academy - Online. 

For more resources, check out: 

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