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People Are The Plan To Travel's Greatest Comeback

People are the Plan

Dear Reader,

I am VERY excited to share an excerpt from my new book, 10X My Travel Business. Ten Times Better in Half the Time.

The book is coming out at the end of April. I cannot wait to share it with you!


Growing your business comes down to one thing. Your people.

If you invest in getting ten times better at finding, attracting, knowing, and servicing your customers, you don’t need any other plan.

People are the plan. Not just any people but your people.

In his book, This Is Marketing, Seth Godin refers to this as your minimum viable audience. "Who would care if you didn't show up?"

Who would care if they weren’t on your guest list of customers?

It’s like a good dinner party. If you have the right guest list,

a set table, a delicious menu, and great shoes,

nothing can go wrong.

If you have the wrong guest list, nothing else will make it right.

Step One: Who are your people?

Your people are the clients and prospects who light you up. You have a good connection, you stay in touch, and they value what you have to offer.

The good news is that you are needed more than ever. The traveling public has come to appreciate the value an advisor brings to helping them navigate the complexities of Covid and Travel.

Plus, travel is booming. This surge in demand is beneficial because it allows you the power to choose who you most want to work with.

You can stop trying to be all things to all people. The goal is to become indispensable to a select group of raving fans who rely on you.

Webster's definition of indispensable:

So good or so important that you cannot manage without it.”

Think about it. Who in your database would not leave home without checking with you? If you say none of my clients, or very few, congratulations. People are your plan.

However, the data would say otherwise. Research shows that less than 30% of customers return to the same travel agent.

Tip: You have the opportunity to set yourself apart by choosing your people.

Step Two: Make the Invitation

One of the most powerful gestures in any relationship is the declaration that in fact, you are in one. It's like going steady. Somebody has to make the first move.

In this post-pandemic era, there has been so much change. Your customers may not even be aware you're still here. Connecting with people to share a genuine interest in being of service leaves a lasting impression.

Whether they are ready or not, it plants a seed that you can nurture and grow.

Tip: It's time to make your move.

Step Three: Stop Making Assumptions About Travel Readiness

The impact of covid on the travel mindset is still unpredictable. Your frequent travelers may still not be keen to venture out. The people you least expect to hear from are ready to go tomorrow!

One advisor explained how she learned never to assume to know a person’s propensity to travel.

"One of my clients had just come out of chemo. I didn't want to bother her because of everything she was going through. It completely surprised me when she called asking about a trip to Europe. She booked a 28-day cruise!! F*#@K Cancer!"

Tip: Extend everyone the courtesy of your curiosity about their travel plans.

Step Four: So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Steve Martin

Travel is top of mind again so people are searching more than ever before. 225 billion people have searched Covid and Travel. *

Now is the time to showcase your expertise.

  • Share generously. Consider helpful tips on how to navigate post covid travel

  • Share destination trends and new experiences that have arisen since Covid

  • Share the news that travel is booming. For example, Oceania selling out their world cruise in one hour!

  • Share client testimonials, photos, and authentic experiences – It's not without bumps but it’s worth it

  • Seek out experts in your niche and share best practices

  • Hire a professional coach or mentor

Tip: People are attracted to experts. Get known for what you know.

It's an exciting time when you can offer your people the world again, your way!


You’re Invited!

If you are a travel industry leader or owner, join me for a special event!


Enjoy the Journey!

  • Join our Leadership Masterclass on Tuesday, March 22nd HERE! BONUS: Everyone who attends will receive a FREE copy 10X My Team - a Chapter of 10X My Travel Business exclusively for Travel Leaders.

  • If you are interested in pre-ordering a signed copy of 10X My Travel Business please reply to this email with Ten Times Better in the subject line. Thank you!!!

  • Get your copy of my book that will help you soar... Flying Colors - US - here! CAD - here

  • If you know someone who would benefit from reading this newsletter please share this link.

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