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Three Ways To Spot A GOOD Tire Kicker

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

Three Ways to Spot a Good Tire Kicker

The facts:

  • Cyber Monday was a record-breaking booking day for most cruise lines.

  • First class and business class are outpacing the back of the bus.

  • 2023 will be the biggest expansion yet of new ships joining the armada.

… and more good news about travel’s biggest comeback just keeps rolling in!

“Then why am I pulling out my hair?” she wonders to herself.

Yesterday on our Flying Colours Academy call, we talked about how more advisors are announcing their retirement and leaving the business now that travel is back. These are challenging times.

How can that be?

In all this goodness, one of the longest, and most enduring problems keeps rearing its ugly head.

Tire kickers. Sigh.

What is a tire kicker?

  • They take your best advice, never to be seen or heard from again.

  • They just want to “pick your brain”

  • They keep focusing on price, discounts, and finding a better deal.

  • Something just doesn’t feel right about them.

Tire kickers want the best of all possible worlds. They want the cheapest price, they want the best information, and they want someone to answer the hard questions that they cannot find answers to online.

In a nutshell, they want you to work for free.

In fact, there is a chance they are already booked elsewhere!

The Difference Between a Tire Kicker and a GOOD Tire Kicker.

How can a tire kicker possibly be good?

Unfortunately, it happens all the time. A buyer walks in with good money to spend but the salesperson jumps to the wrong conclusion. Think Julia Roberts in Pretty Women on her shopping expedition. "Big Mistake. HUGE!"

The goal is to determine if someone is wasting your time or simply hasn’t found the right person to book with yet. These are the GOOD kind. They are buyers with unmet needs.

That unmet need is something they are willing to pay more for, especially when that need becomes more pressing.

Here are three ways to spot a GOOD Tire Kicker -

1. Ask more questions. Tire kickers keep everything close to their chest. A few key questions will get them to open up.

  • What has your research told you so far?

  • Have you worked with a travel agent before?

  • Does anyone else need to be with us for this conversation?

  • You seem to really know what you want. Have you already tried to book this somewhere else? (It’s ok to ask!) If not, what is holding you back from booking?

Finding out why someone hasn’t booked is a good way to uncover their unmet need. That is what they value most.

2. Set expectations. Travel is an investment. Good travel takes time to curate. In order to give your clients, the best return on their investment, paint a complete picture of what is included in your service. Educate clients on the process so they understand timelines, deadlines, and how you work.

Remember the advisor I mentioned a few weeks ago who handles tire kickers this way:

“I don’t book new clients the day they call.

I invite them to book a 30-minute planning meeting with me on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

I give them questions to think about prior to our meeting so they come prepared for a deeper conversation.

Tire kickers are too impatient to wait.”

As an aside, what I like about this approach is that she is time-blocking by putting similar tasks together. It allows her to focus on the important job of listening with interest, asking thought-provoking questions, and creating a very special experience for her customers.

3. Stand in your conviction that you are worth it. When you offer an elevated level of planning, booking, and delivering the travel experience, people will buy YOU.

Above all else, customers are willing to pay more for a good experience. According to Forbes contributor Shep Hyken,

One in four customers is willing to pay up to 10% more in almost every industry

if they know they will receive excellent customer service.

The big winner is the hospitality industry, where 31% of customers will pay up to 10% more,

and 10% of customers are willing to spend over 30% more.

One final thought.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated that your hard work is not paying off, take a minute. There are days that it goes like that. Keep going and have faith that something amazing is right around the corner!

You’ve got this! 😊

PS If you're interested in going deeper on how to embrace your value and establish a new way of working with clients, check out Flying Colors Academy.


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Enjoy the journey!

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