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Slow Marketing, Fast Results

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Slow Marketing, Fast Results

It is "crazy-busy". The kind of busy we've all been waiting for. According to Travel Weekly, at least 9 cruise lines have declared a record-breaking wave season. There is no doubt that travel has come roaring back!

Yet, we know that nothing lasts forever. What happens when customer inquiries slow down?

You need a smart and sustainable marketing strategy.

In fact, whether a business is booming or grinding to a halt, executing a marketing strategy that keeps your customers engaged for the long haul is money in the bank.

“You can't buy engagement; you have to build engagement.”

Tara Nicholle Nelson

The mistake most of us make when it comes to marketing is to focus on the noise around us. When we are running fast and short of time it is easy to rely on social media to do the heavy lifting and call it marketing.

Social media does not build engagement. If we are lucky, it draws awareness. The algorithms, dopamine-feeding feeds, and Harry Styles are tough to compete with.

When a consumer sees a jaw-dropping shot of a destination, it sends a dopamine hit to the brain.

Unfortunately, it’s a long walk from the brain responding,

to the mind making the decision to call or act.

The best way for awareness to lead to a sale is through slow marketing.

Slow marketing is not urgent, but it is an important strategy for your business. Slow marketing is the long game. It’s there for you in good times and down times.

Slow marketing is a step-by-step process that builds a relationship with your ideal customers. When the time is right, the decision to book with you is instant.

Slow becomes fast when you do it right.

Here is a contrast frame between rapid response, and slow marketing.

  • Slow marketing goes beyond attention-grabbing. If focuses on problem-solving and outcomes.

  • Slow marketing takes time to consider your ideal customers, not the travelling public.

  • Slow marketing leverages the power of social media as a reminder.

  • It sends a message to your ideal customers: I see you, I hear you, and I know you.

We all want this boom to last forever. A slow marketing strategy is the fastest way to build a bridge to long-term results.

Points to Ponder:

Which of the following statements apply:

  • I haven't had time to plan - flying by the seat of my pants.

  • I had a marketing plan pre-pandemic and haven't changed it much.

  • I am constantly responding to the deals of the day and putting out fires.

  • Social media is a bottomless pit of time and attention.

  • I have a marketing plan but would appreciate an assessment based on the new travel era.

  • I want a steady stream of high-value clients - beyond the bubble!

If you answered YES to one more of these questions, I can help!

Reach out HERE for a FREE marketing assessment. (Exclusively for travel business owners that want to transform their business from surviving to thriving!)


Don't forget to sign up for 30 on Thursdays!

Thursday, March 16th, 9:00 am PST, 12 noon ET.

We all know the value of the travel advisor - priceless! What we have a harder time explaining is our own value. Selling ourselves does not come easily. Self-promotion is an art that feels awkward. Yet, at the moment of truth, at some point, the customer ALWAYS asks, "Why YOU?"

Get it right - make the sale. Get it wrong, or worse, omit it, and you risk losing the sale every time. Join me for the simple solution to getting it right!

Register HERE!

PS Everyone is welcome! This webinar is for agency owners, advisors, suppliers, and industry advocates. My mission is to share insights to help the industry come back better!


Are you interested in attending Travel Market Place - Vancouver? It's happening March 9th and 10th - and almost sold out!

Register this week and receive a FREE copy of my book, 10X My Travel Business! Use this link to register: TMP REGISTRATION


If anyone else you know could benefit from reading this newsletter, please share this link! Geraldine Ree is a bestselling author, business coach and travel industry strategist. She helps leaders and their teams elevate their performance and joy in the travel industry.


  • Register HERE for our next 30 on Thursdays, March 16th at 9:00 am PST, 12 Noon ET!

  • Order 10X My Travel Business here.

  • Get your copy of my book that will help you soar... Flying Colors - US - here! CAD - here!

  • If you are interested in knowing more about my 2023 programs check out:

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