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Are you a Goal Setter or a Goal-Getter?

After a long, exhausting year of uncertainty in the travel industry, the challenge for 2021 is to keep yourself inspired and engaged. You may be feeling less confident in your ability to achieve goals – and rightly so. 2020 has given each of us a confidence shakedown. We know that goal setting is easy. Goal getting is anything but. Achieving goals is difficult because it is incredibly complex. It’s dependent on both your mindset and approach, which are goals in and of themselves. When I was a little girl I loved my wooden doll set. After opening doll after doll, there was the tiniest little gem of a doll in the center. In the same way, our gem of a goal is nested in layers of skills and habits that we need to overcome, in order to reach our ultimate goal. Before you set out on any goal, big or small, it’s important to realize that you are setting at least three different types of goals in order to achieve your result: Mindset, Method, and Mastery. Mindset Goals Have you ever set out to achieve a goal only to hear an inner voice deep down that says, “I’ll never make it”? Or does it say, “Go ahead and try – even if I only get half-way there, I am better off?” True, but not true. Though you may become slightly more fit or make progress on a passion project, something significant happens when you consistently set goals that never get off the ground: you reinforce your limiting belief that goal setting doesn’t work for you. On the other hand, conquering even the simplest goal, such as taking fifteen minutes to reset between every zoom meeting or task, builds confidence in your ability to achieve goals. According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive. Therefore, you need to arm up for the resistance by treating your mindset as a goal. Method Goals Your method goal is everything that sets you up for goal mastery, outside of doing the work. Your environment should be set up as if you’ve already achieved your goal. For example, I’ve created three work nooks in my home that match the type of work I need to accomplish. I have a place to write and create in the morning when my brain is fresh and it’s easiest to get into the flow. Next, I move to my office desk to make calls, hold meetings, and interact with clients. I have my computer, files, cameras, lights, and a huge whiteboard. At the top of my board is my goal, in plain view, with the affirmation: I've got this! I have a third spot, my drop zone, which is my “afternoon chair". On my side table, I have a pile of books, my headset for listening to webinar recordings, and my cup of tea. (Note to self: give up the box of cookies that has crept into this blissful scene in recent months.) Other key considerations include a checklist of method resources, including:

  • Tools and equipment (runners, gym membership, cameras, lighting, apps, etc)

  • Goals in plain view (e.g., written in your planner, scheduled in your calendar, on a whiteboard)

  • A progress checklist to mark off another day of successful attainment, affirmations, gratitude

  • Support circle (a list of people who care if you succeed)

  • Other resources (anything that makes getting to the work easier and helps you overcome the resistance).

Mastery Goals

The last piece of goal attainment is doing the work. It’s going to the gym, picking up the phone, standing on stage, or changing your habits. It’s the actions you take that brings you one step closer to your goal. Sometimes, the resistance is simply that you don’t know exactly how to achieve your goal. You don’t have to know every step. You just have to know the next one – and take it. James Clear sums this up nicely: “Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. “The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader. “The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner. “The goal is not to learn an instrument, the goal is to become a musician.” The goal is not to achieve the goal. It’s to become a goal-getter.

I hope you join me on this journey to smash the rebound, and together, make this our best year ever! Lookout 2021, we're coming for you! _________________________________

My goal is to help Travel advisors feel inspired, confident, and prepared for the comeback! There is so much opportunity ahead to make up for lost time and money.

Join my next FREE webinar: Smash the Rebound: How to be a Goal Getter!

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Here's what Advisors are saying about the Webinar:

"Thank you for 45 minutes of pragmatic and manageable practices,

enthusiasm and Rocket fuel.

Your high achieving bar instills confidence, heart, and a clear vision to hopeful weeks, months and years ahead." Diane Manson

If you or someone or you know needs help, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Sincerely, Geraldine

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