The Sales Shift is Like a One-Way Escalator to the Top
Once you learn a new skill you rise a rung in your ability, never to return.
Flying Colours, page 98
This week I received feedback from advisors who were tired and defeated. Defeat seems to come and go in waves that line up with the amount of negative news we consume.
In these moments, walking away to catch your breath is the best remedy. Choose your preferred version of self-care, then consider the opportunity ahead.
It’s going to be a wild comeback where advisors are needed more than ever
to book longer trips at a higher price point.
I loved Vicki Freed's last post quoting Matthew Upchurch from Virtuoso: "People's bucket list is becoming their to-do list."
The comeback IS coming. This is the ideal time to build consistency in your system.
In my book Flying Colours, I outline four pillars for your travel business: The Mindset Shift, The Customer Shift, The Sales Shift, The Performance Shift.
This is the first of a three-part article on The Sales Shift
There is a prevailing reluctance to talk about sales based on our aversion to the “pushy, unwanted salesperson who lacks integrity.” This is not that.
Sales is a much broader part of your business. The Sales Shift means you are selling at every step of the customer journey, not just a single point in time. Therefore to be excellent at sales, is to be brilliant and delivering the entire customer experience.
It breaks down into three key phases: Customer Attraction, Customer Service, Customer Retention. In this newsletter, we will cover the first phase: Customer Attraction.

Customer Attraction is a personal invitation to working with you.
It differs from marketing attraction in that it requires your one-on-one attention.
Focus on a setlist of high-value prospects. Conduct a series of specific customer attraction actions that influence their decision to buy from you.
"Visibility creates opportunity" Koka Sexton
Create a wide array of specific "touchpoints" so that you are in their sightlines, and when the time is right you're the first person they think of. (See the Love "em Up List below)
The key to the customer attraction stage is to be very intentional about it. This means letting your prospects know that they matter to you.
The other side of attraction is to be attractive.
You are the authority of your business. People are attracted to you because of your energy, confidence, and conviction.
Recently an advisor shared with me a profound example of conviction, inspired by Cathy Denroche, Regional Sales Director, Oceania Cruises.
“Think of your life laid out on a measuring tape. You are already two-thirds of the way through it.
The inches roll faster every year. There are no guarantees on how far you will make it on that tape."
Wouldn’t you rather travel sooner and in a more meaningful way? Don’t cut corners on your trip. Take the one you’ve always wanted.
The agent took charge of the conversation and drew the client in by her conviction for what good travel looked like, and why it mattered, now.
In a similar way, your travel business is on a measuring tape. It takes time to build your business, your way.
What would happen a year from now when you look back on your business and you don't make the calls you need to today or this week?
Take action, even if it's a small step towards cultivating your customer attraction strategy.
The Love 'Em Up List
Here’s are just a few ideas to warm up your list and attract your own A-List Crowd"
Print out your list – a physical representation of 250 – 500 people you care about (I do love a good printed list and a highlighter pen!)
Focus on 30-50 ideal clients who fit in the market you are shifting to
Make note of who is the most engaged with you – who’s opened your newsletters, liked you on social media, responded to your emails – call and thank them!
Commit to a goal such as 1 a day, 5 calls before 10 am, or 30 calls per week.
Experiment with the best times to call, best questions to ask, make it a game!
Be easy to find (do people know where you are, how to reach you)
Be easy to buy from (update people on your new schedule and routines)
Share a “thinking of you” piece of content (personalized)
Check-in with people without selling a thing
Send note cards
Share a text message with an attachment
Share a news article via a personalized email
There is an unlimited number of things you can do to improve your customer attraction skills. The key is to choose one or two and to double down on them. Find someone to hold you accountable to do them every day.
Next Week - Customer Service and Sales - A Winning Combination
You're Invited to Join the Flying Colours Academy!

This is a 90 Day hands-on experience that combines personalized facilitation, coaching, tools, resources, an extraordinary peer group, and so much more!
Upon completion you will be able to:
Quickly identify how to shift your business upmarket
Attract and retain high-value customers
Standout from the wide array of travel advisors
Create a compelling positioning statement on your unique value (for service fees and other unique business models)
Create a consistent and compelling marketing plan
Leverage your social media to create a powerful sales connection
Polish your essential sales skills that keep your customers coming back again and again
Win every day with the 90-30-90 Success Blueprint
Fewer hours, with bigger results!
I'm thrilled to have our inaugural FCA flight crew boarded and on their way! I am now accepting applications for our next session, starting October 15th.
What sets this course apart is the 360-degree view of your business.
"We put your entire travel business out on the table, in order to put it back again
bigger, better, and bolder than before!"
You don't have to do this alone. I'm with you every step of the way!
For more information please respond to this email with: Next Flight Please
Enjoy the journey!
For more tips, grab a copy of my 75 Success Habits Checklist HERE
Get your copy of my book that will help you soar... Flying Colors - US - here! CAD - here!
I work with high achievers to help them skyrocket their journey. I have a limited number of Mentorship spots available this quarter. If you are interested hit reply or book an appointment on my calendly link here. Please include a few words to describe where you are and where you hope to be!