Trust the Power of Coaching to Build a Stronger Team
Client: “Geraldine – what do you think I should do?”
Me: “What do you think you should do?”
Client: “Ugh, I knew you were going to say that! LOL Just tell me what to do!! “
Leaders make hundreds of decisions every day – big ones, tiny ones and even ridiculous ones like what colour should the CTA button be or what meeting time works for everyone. When it comes time to make important decisions that can change the trajectory of your business, it is easy to have decision fatigue.
Do you ever find yourself craving for someone with more knowledge and insight than you to give you the answer?
Sure. It would be easy for me to give my client the answer. I know what she needs to do. I even know how to do it in the most efficient way. Yet if I give her the answer, I short circuit the learning path.
We cannot help ourselves to want to control every outcome. The story we tell ourselves is that if we give the answer, they will know what to do and they will do it. After all, we want to be seen as helpful.
If only it worked that way. When the teachable moment comes and we give the answer, we risk much more, including our own burnout, than asking them to solve it for themselves.
What could you answer with a question today?
The Book Shelf – Books I Love to Inspire Your Journey

“Call them forward to learn, improve, grow rather than to just get something sorted out.”
In his book The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier emphasizes the hidden teachable moment in every roadblock.
Nothing empowers learning more than a coach with a curious mind.
The next time someone seeks answers, rather than coming to the rescue with a solution, ask a question instead.
The best leaders know that in an overwhelming sea of knowledge, the fastest path to growth is to create a learning culture.