Better Customers Always Leads to MORE Customers
More and better customers. It is the mantra of every business to reach the pinnacle of success. Your travel business is no different. Growing your business is at the heart of your success. The irony is that we tend to spend more time thinking about getting more customers when better is right in front of us.
What does that mean?
If you create a solid foundation of ideal customers, you will attract more customers just like them.
Consider your very best customer. You love serving them. Almost without thinking, you consider their travel needs even when they are not planning a trip. When you have a trip in the works for your best customer, it has your signature service all over it from beginning to end.
From your customers' perspective, you are indispensable. They would not dream of booking anywhere else. Leverage that loyalty to find others just like them in the following three ways.
1. Get Better Customers through Referrals
First, a delighted customer who loves you, and loves your service, would not hesitate to refer you, BUT they need a nudge. Your job is to let them know you are currently open to working with a few more clients just like them. They do not mind readers and don't fully understand how your business works.
Here is a tip on how to ask for referrals:
"I'm currently looking to add a few more clients to my travel business.
Doing high-quality work with people I care about is important to me. I love working with you! I'd appreciate it if you could refer me to anyone in your circle that needs a professional travel advisor."
Letting clients know that you are adding clients selectively will reinforce how special they are to you. It also puts their mind at ease that you will treat their trusted circle with the same utmost care.
2. Get Better Customer by Leveraging Your Last Sale
Always look to find another buyer for your most recent sale. Curating complex vacation experiences takes a tremendous amount of effort. Put that time and effort to good use and immediately go and sell another ten customers while your experience is fresh and inspired!
For example, you have just booked a multi-gen trip to Alaska for a family celebrating Grandmas' 80th birthday. After much research, comparing the brands, you found the best option. Put all those hours to good use!
As soon as you have closed a complex sale, create a mini-sales blitz to find other multi-gen customers. Nothing beats the confidence and conviction that comes from a recent sale. Plus, it is so much easier to sell something tangible. Especially now, consumers are looking for "social proof" that it's the perfect time to start booking!
When you close a sale, it is easy to celebrate and move on. Make a habit of asking your client, peers, your circle of influence, and your social media following if they know anyone who might be interested.
Here's is a script for your sales blitz: "Do you know anyone celebrating a big milestone this next year? I've got something really special I'd love to share that ticks all the boxes!
3. Better Thinking, Bigger Business. If you're interested in growing your travel business, beyond what it's ever been before, take time to re-think your strategy of how you attract more clients. Better always proceeds bigger. In fact, if you focus on better, bigger will come.
What are all the ways you could improve your approach that would impact y our travel business? I firmly believe that your approach to the business is as important as the business itself.
If I can assist you with your high-performance strategy let's connect!
Share it Forward
Last week I asked for good news stories to help generate positivity in our industry. A stand-out win for the week is the Travefy Online Training Camp. They hosted over 7000 travel advisors 9 over three days!
According to Founder & CEO, David Chait, it's a leading indicator that business is coming back. Some sectors he explained will rebound quicker, but it's a strong indication that the light at the end of the tunnel is coming for all!
If you have a good news story I'd love to share it forward! geraldine@geraldineree.com
Happy Selling! PS Please SHARE this newsletter if you know someone who needs it!

Books On Sale and a brand NEW Class - Introductory price ZERO, value priceless!
1. Flying Colours, The Travel Advisors Guide to Breakthrough is on sale NOW!
$24.99 CAD click HERE!
$19.99 USD click HERE!
2. BREAKING NEWS ... The Flying Academy Basecamp Session opening for FREE!!
My goal is to help the industry move forward now! There is no better time to work ON your travel business. The best thing I can do for you is to help you prepare!
In this 60 minute session, you'll learn the Flying Colors 4 Forces Framework which is the foundation to creating a seismic shift in your business.
Limited class size, first come, first serve! (Please, only reserve a spot if you are planning on attending. Sorry, it will not be recorded).
Register HERE!
3. Are you an Agency Owner?
I'm looking for Agency Owners or Managers who are interested in a pilot program: A Leaders Guide to Flying Colours. It's a companion to the book to help Agency Owners lead their teams through the curriculum.
If you're interested, join me on April 15th at 10:00 am!
Register HERE!
4. Coming soon ... Flying Colours Academy!
I can't wait to meet you at one or all of these events!
